A decrepit corner building bearing the name Plumage House stands on a quiet Hoxton street. Investigation reveals tales of riots, balloons, court cases, bankruptcy and murder.
In this modest post, I demolish some erroneous statements made on the internet regarding a small statue of King Henry VIII on the gatehouse of Bart's Hospital
The Egyptian Hall stood on Piccadilly from 1812 to 1905, an extraordinary piece of architecture of the 'sticks-out-like-a-sore-thumb' type. However, that was nothing compared to those involved in the displays and shows.
In December 1631, forces of law and order attempted to raid the most deluxe bordello London had ever seen. But things didn't go quite the way they expected.
The City Remembrancer, a role dating from 1571, is just one of the curious officials employed by the City of London Corporation. I walk the tightrope of political impartiality to explain what he does.
A 19th century riverside development opportunity close to Parliament would see a political club, unfinished opera house & the iconic New Scotland Yard.
The Square Mile is not the sort of place one associates with recording studios, yet Decca once had their main studios in the heart of the City, close to London Bridge.