Category: Green London

Every Dog Must Have His Day

Having earlier written a post based entirely on architecture related to cars, I've now tried my hand at something similar for man's best friend.

Islington Sphinxes & Other Curios

They may be rare, but there are some weird and wonderful examples of Ancient Egypt influencing London architecture.

Lesser Fleas

Nothing to do with fleas, nor even the plague. Instead, I describe another two of those administrative curiosities that London seems to specialise in - the Inner and Middle Temples.

Confessions of an Ex-Department Store Spotter

In an era where department stores are out of favour, the buildings they leave behind can be impressive memorials. I'm always on the lookout ...

Philosophising about Blogs on a Blog

I'm beginning to see the pitfalls in writing a London blog, and can discern an emerging 'London Wanderer' philosophy.

Let’s hear it for the rural idylls

It is clear that in the coming weeks visits to the cinema, theatre, museums and art galleries won't be feasible. Time for green destinations to step up to the mark.