Category: Theatre

The Lives and Times of the Pall Mall Restaurant

Just how many high-class restaurants in the West End called the Pall Mall were there? And what became of them?

Human Cannonballs, Dead Whales, Strongmen & Sombreros

It started as an attempt at the 'moral elevation' of the people and ended as an amusement palace. The story of the Royal Aquarium is full of curious tales and eccentric people.

Not just London Bridge: Structural oopsie-daises in the capital

The problem of buildings falling down has existed since time immemorial. I've picked a selection of unusual incidents caused by poor design, subsidence or simple wear & tear.

Balloons, Gin & Sensible Knickers: The Story of the Pantheon

Why does a branch of Marks & Spencer have such a strange name? The answer can be found 250 years ago ...

The Everyday Story of a City Wharf

The everyday story of the last surviving Thameside warehouse in the Square Mile, featuring tea, Frankenstein, arson, frost fairs, John the pony and Timothy West.

Anyone for (Real) Tennis?

The heyday of real tennis was in the 16th and 17th centuries. I take a look at its physical history, and what there is of a physical present in London.

Every Dog Must Have His Day

Having earlier written a post based entirely on architecture related to cars, I've now tried my hand at something similar for man's best friend.

Drowning in Beer, Trading with the Enemy & Murdering the Manager

Tales of disaster, shootings and musical comedy - an everyday story of a London corner.

A Bluffer’s Guide to … Dick Whittington (oh, yes it is!)

Everything you need to know about a real Lord Mayor of London who, for some reason, is the main character in a traditional pantomime

The Shady World of Willy Clarkson

What stories can lie behind a simple blue plaque ... prepare to enter a murky world of blackmail, fraud and wig-making.