Category: Curiosities

Ten Ways to Name a Church

How the citizens of the City of London created unique identifiers to help differentiate the 100+ churches in the Square Mile.

Every Dog Must Have His Day

Having earlier written a post based entirely on architecture related to cars, I've now tried my hand at something similar for man's best friend.

The London Wanderer’s Top Three Business Opportunities 2021

With tongue at least partially-in-cheek, let me propose three possible post-Covid business opportunities in the heart of the City.

Drowning in Beer, Trading with the Enemy & Murdering the Manager

Tales of disaster, shootings and musical comedy - an everyday story of a London corner.

Lesser Fleas

Nothing to do with fleas, nor even the plague. Instead, I describe another two of those administrative curiosities that London seems to specialise in - the Inner and Middle Temples.

Architecture of the Automobile

Never mind your local supermarket petrol station, London has some architectural gems created in the service of the internal combustion engine.

Plum Duff & Poverty on the City Road

Mainly through newspaper reports of the time, I tell the story of a vast canteen for the poor, born of philanthropic zeal at the turn of the 20th century.

The London Wanderer’s Chocolate Assortment

Inquire within upon all, or at least some, things that link London and chocolate. From Samuel Pepys drinking the stuff to settle his stomach, to modern artisan chocolatiers and daring restaurants.

Local Government, City of London Style

A post for devotees of municipal governance. Welcome to a world of Freemen, Liverymen, Councilmen, Aldermen, Sheriffs, Aldermanic Sheriffs and a Lord Mayor, in a city that is home to less than 10,000 people.

The Other Royal Home in the City

The Tower of London survives in all its glory; the lost Baynard's Castle and Bridewell Palace are well-documented. So I've written a short post on the long-forgotten Tower Royal. It's short because there's next to no evidence.